International Construction Trades Transition Program (ICTTP)


The International Construction Trades Transition Program is designed to support skilled migrants in the construction trades to successfully make the transition from their home countries into the construction trades in Canada. The target talent pool for the program includes refugees and displaced persons.

By providing support and guidance throughout the migration process, the program seeks to address labour shortages in the Canadian construction industry while offering skilled migrants opportunities for employment and integration into Canadian society.

Objectives of the program

  • Facilitate the recruitment and selection process for skilled migrants in construction trades by providing information on eligibility criteria, application procedures, and available job opportunities in Canada.
  • Offer guidance and support in collaboration with our partners to skilled migrants in navigating the Canadian immigration system, including assistance with visa applications, work permits, and residency requirements.
  • Provide pre-arrival orientation and training to prepare skilled migrants for employment in the Canadian construction industry, including information on workplace safety standards, regulatory requirements, and cultural adaptation.
  • Collaborate with Canadian employers and industry associations to match skilled migrants with job vacancies and employment opportunities that align with their qualifications and experience.
  • Connect skilled migrants to settlement and integration services to receive support in adjusting to life in Canada, including assistance with housing, healthcare, education, language training, and community connections.
  • Facilitate networking and mentorship opportunities for skilled migrants to build professional relationships, access career development resources, and enhance their long-term employment prospects in the construction industry.
  • Monitor the progress and outcomes of skilled migrants participating in the program, including employment retention rates, income levels, and satisfaction with settlement services, to evaluate the program’s effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
  • Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Canadian construction industry by advocating for policies and practices that support the integration and advancement of skilled migrants from diverse backgrounds.
By implementing these objectives, the International Construction Trades Transition Program aims to contribute to the economic growth and diversity of Canada’s construction sector while providing skilled migrants with opportunities for professional advancement and socioeconomic integration.